Breath of Life,
We give thanks this morning
for the warm embrace
of this religious community
that holds such meaning for us.
Help us develop
eyes that can see
the sunlight bounce off
the ripples in the sky*
and still be amazed by that beauty.
Help our ears be tuned into
the first sounds of the birds chirping
as the sky slowly lightens each morning,
and let us be delighted by that beauty.
Open our hearts to the joys, and sorrows,
of those around us,
both people we hold dear,
and people we barely know,
so that we may see them - really and truly see them -
and the beauty that lies within their being.
Open our minds
to our own selves,
so that we may understand
this person,
this body,
this self
and appreciate with joy
the beauty that emanates from within us.
Breath of Life,
help us see the beauty around us.
Help us contribute to that beauty
by our own acts of generosity, surrender, and embrace.
We raise our hearts in praise.
Blessed be.
*from hymn #1 "Madre Esencia, Padre Esencia" in Las Voces del Camino